Citywide Summary

This website includes summary statistics from Property data was last updated on 2024-10-04. We last checked for new updates on 2024-10-07. You can view the underlying source code and download raw data from this Github repository.

Currently, we identify 48,275 rental properties containing 147,754 housing units. We identify 20,528 total ownership networks of which 14,655 (71%) own just a single property. Of those networks which own multiple properties, 3,688 include multiple distinct owner names.

networks by size

Most landlord networks are small. In fact, 71% of networks own just a single parcel. Another 18% own 2 or 3 parcels. Together, these two categories own 48% of all the rental parcels in the city. Collectively, ownership networks with at least 26 parcels own 21% of rental parcels, despite constituting just 0.7% of owner networks.

While most rental parcels are owned by smaller owner networks, most rental units are owned by larger networks, as shown in the graph below.

Only 3.2% of networks own more than 25 units, but these networks collectively own 59% of the city’s rental inventory.

largest networks

Top 15 largest ownership networks, by total units
City of Milwaukee
owner network1 names in network units parcels assessed value
annual rates per 100 units
eviction filings code violations
MEAUX PARK LLC etc Group 124 9,279 826 $484.9M 32.7 16.0
CITY OF MILWAUKEE etc Group 17 4,294 798 $13.0M 2.8 1.1
1126 KANE LLC etc Group 92 3,171 143 $307.1M 3.7 2.4
METROPOLITAN ASSOCIATES FKA etc Group 10 2,299 24 $168.3M 8.6 1.6
TCR MRC PHASE I LTD PTNRSHP etc Group 16 2,168 19 $381.2M 0.5 0.3
WI ARBOR RIDGE ON 107TH LLC etc Group 8 1,615 14 $266.9M 2.4 0.8
MLK INVESTMENT GROUP LLC etc Group 21 1,185 36 $181.6M 1.0 5.9
HIGGINS INVESTMENTS LLC etc Group 29 1,135 49 $94.1M 0.7 2.8
WELLSTON APARTMENTS LLC etc Group 18 995 24 $123.0M 0.4 1.7
ECT 64 LLC ET AL etc Group 24 974 24 $92.6M 0.4 2.9
ICRC HOUSING PROJECT NO 2 etc Group 28 826 66 $66.6M 3.4 5.1
TE I LLC etc Group 20 813 325 $55.1M 36.4 22.0
VB ONE LLC etc Group 11 736 710 $90.9M 21.8 23.0
NORTHSIDE HOMEOWNERS etc Group 20 687 316 $30.5M 30.5 6.9
SCATTERED SITES III CORP etc Group 21 535 82 $20.8M 9.9 16.1
1 Owner networks are given the name of the most frequently used individual owner name in the network. Click the hyperlink to see the full list of properties, names, and connections between them.