Code Violations

Code violation data comes from the Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services. A code violation can cover a wide range of issues, from minor garbage violations to more serious structural issues. At this time our website simply shows the total number (and rate) of violations, so we encourage readers to use the DNS website to look up specific code violations for properties of interest.

DNS inspectors are not allowed to enter properties to conduct random inspections. Instead, they usually conduct interior inspections after receiving tenant complaints. Eviction orders correspond to a single visit, and each order can (and often does) include multiple violations requiring specific abatement.

Our records currently cover 2017-01-01 to 2024-12-31.

code violation rate calculations

Here is how we calculate code enforcement rates for each ownership network.

  • For each property, we count the number of days during which the current owner held the property and DNS records are available. We determine when the period of current ownership began using the CONVEY_DATE variable provided by the city assessor.
  • We divide the days of ownership (during the DNS-covered period) by 365.25, then multiply by the number of housing units at the property. The product is the number of housing-unit-years.
  • We add up all the housing-unit-years for each property in the network to calculate the network’s total housing-unit-years.
  • We assign code violations to a property’s current owner if the eviction was filed after the current owner bought the property, judging by the CONVEY_DATE field.
  • For each owner network, we count the total number of violations (and orders) and divide by the total number of housing-unit-years. Then, we multiply the quotient by 100. The result is the network’s annual rate of code violations (or orders) per 100 units.

citywide rates

To calculate citywide rates, we limit the numerator to just code violations occuring at rental properties.

Annual DNS code enforcement totals in the City of Milwaukee
at rental properties
rental units1
per 100 units
violations orders violations orders
2017 53,110 12,021 146,552 36.2 8.2
2018 48,412 12,316 148,028 32.7 8.3
2019 41,308 11,302 149,032 27.7 7.6
2020 29,635 8,514 148,725 19.9 5.7
2021 34,924 10,419 147,734 23.6 7.1
2022 33,005 9,724 147,407 22.4 6.6
2023 37,325 11,876 147,190 25.4 8.1
2024 37,059 12,328 147,289 25.2 8.4
1 Calculated from city parcel records.

aldermanic rates

Annual DNS code enforcement totals in the City of Milwaukee
by Aldermanic district
violations orders violations orders violations orders violations orders violations orders violations orders violations orders violations orders
first 61.7 11.6 45.6 9.3 38.5 8.6 29.0 6.7 39.8 9.0 28.0 6.8 31.7 8.9 32.1 9.4
second 18.9 6.2 22.1 7.8 21.2 6.5 20.0 6.1 24.3 9.3 26.2 8.2 24.3 8.6 27.7 10.5
third 12.6 3.8 6.6 2.7 8.6 4.0 4.3 2.2 6.9 3.2 7.6 3.5 7.9 4.1 9.7 4.6
fourth 12.0 3.0 11.2 2.9 11.5 3.4 6.5 2.1 7.0 2.4 9.3 3.3 7.1 3.3 7.8 3.1
fifth 13.3 4.9 22.1 10.1 9.7 4.0 13.3 5.8 20.5 8.3 20.6 7.6 24.3 10.6 31.3 12.2
sixth 94.1 13.3 77.9 11.9 48.5 8.8 34.4 7.0 43.0 9.0 37.5 8.2 48.7 11.5 38.3 11.2
seventh 56.8 10.9 50.1 9.7 47.2 9.5 37.9 8.4 42.9 10.2 41.7 9.8 50.5 12.0 50.1 12.5
eighth 34.9 10.6 33.2 10.1 37.2 13.2 19.4 8.0 29.3 10.4 28.7 8.7 38.4 11.8 25.1 9.1
ninth 14.9 4.9 11.5 4.2 10.9 3.4 9.7 4.1 9.5 3.8 12.6 4.0 13.4 4.6 13.9 5.3
tenth 32.5 8.6 35.1 10.1 34.4 10.6 24.5 6.6 26.6 9.2 30.0 10.0 24.2 9.0 28.5 10.9
eleventh 15.3 5.7 27.3 10.6 19.7 6.8 22.2 7.4 19.2 8.6 16.7 7.2 19.3 9.1 17.6 7.5
twelfth 48.1 12.7 45.4 12.9 44.2 15.2 23.3 8.8 24.0 8.3 21.6 6.9 29.5 9.7 26.4 9.5
thirteenth 14.7 5.6 21.8 9.4 19.5 7.5 21.2 7.2 18.6 7.8 13.9 5.7 19.1 8.7 16.5 7.5
fourteenth 27.0 12.3 25.0 10.9 16.1 5.9 11.6 5.1 14.3 6.0 11.5 4.8 16.0 7.3 16.7 6.7
fifteenth 76.9 13.1 63.5 12.2 57.6 11.7 38.6 7.8 45.8 9.5 43.7 10.2 46.5 10.9 57.2 14.1
1 Various pandemic-era policy interventions, including moratoriums, reduced evictions during these years